Bums Off Seats
Bums off Seats is a Fife Walking Initiative, providing free local health walking opportunities in Fife and all walks are led by a trained team of Volunteer Walk Leaders.
A health walk is a free, short, local walk and is suitable for most people, even if you have a long term health condition such as Dementia or Cancer. As such this compliments the Hub’s approach to enhancing physical and social opportunities for all.
A new group starts at the Hub on Saturday 28th May. Everyone welcome, 10am for a 10.15am start every Saturday at Glenrothes Community Sports & Health Hub @ Gilvenbank Park, Pitcoudie Avenue in #Glenrothes KY7 6SU
Find out more about our Bums Off Seats group.
We are always looking to enhance the range of activities and opportunities we can provide so if you have any suggestions then get in touch.
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